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3 Facts about How Paint Is Made

October 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumfrisco @ 5:44 pm
paint colors cans

In recent years, people have become more conscious of exactly what they are bringing into their homes. Are you one of them? At the grocery store, you make sure to shop from the organic section, and you check the ingredients of the cleaning supplies. Well, do you know what’s in the paint that you want to put on the wall? Choosing the right paint involves more factors than just the color that you want to see. In this blog post, you’ll learn some interesting facts that can help you make the right decision for your home.

Paint has four simple ingredients.

Although the exact chemicals and ingredients can vary by brand, paint typically has four kinds of ingredients: pigment, resin, solvent, and additives. Pigment consists of the paint’s color and gloss, two of the most important factors to consider when painting a room. The resin provides the adhesive qualities of the paint, allowing it to stick to the surface and the particles to bind together, and the solvent, typically water, is the method that helps the pigment and resin get transferred to the wall. Finally, you can include additives to give you certain results, such as mold resistance, easy brushing, and scuff resistance. Understanding these ingredients can help you choose paint that will meet your needs within a given room.

Finish can change how the paint looks and functions.

Other than the paint’s color, the finish or gloss is an important decision you’ll have to make. This affects the sheen or shine of the surface and can impact how easily the surface can be cleaned. For areas where there’s a lot of activity and potential for messes, such as the kitchen or a bathroom, semi-gloss is typically a wise choice. However, bedrooms can be done in a flat or eggshell finish, particularly in guest rooms. Evaluate how you will be using the room to determine which finish is the right one for your project.

Certain additives can give you various benefits.

Depending on your needs and the brand you work with, you can think about special additives in your paint. For instance, in high-traffic areas, you may want to have paint with scuff resistance. Or, you may want a mold-resistant paint in a bathroom, where moisture is a constant concern. When choosing a paint, learn about all the different additives available and take advantage of those that can benefit you in the long run.

Obviously, not all paint is the same. It’s important to choose a reliable, practical type, but the good news is that you don’t have to navigate all the choices alone. Painting experts can make all the difference in your painting project and remove stress from your shoulders by giving you advice and guiding you to the right option for your home.

About Platinum Painting of Frisco

Platinum Painting was opened in 2008 and has serviced over 10,000 homes. For every free quote, our experienced estimators provide in-person estimates of the work. With years of industry knowledge, they can help homeowners determine the right type of paint. Also, every client can take advantage of our free color consultation, where we help you make the final decision on paint color. To schedule your free estimate, you can click here.

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